Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Breast cancer awareness month

This time a year ago, I was getting ready for surgery on October 29, 2021, for a lumpectomy in my breast.

I had gone for an annual screening for breast cancer, as always, in September, and was called back on the day of my birthday, September 16, 2021, because my scan picked up an atypical result. Within two weeks I was scheduled for a biopsy at the end of September, which resulted in atypical cells being removed from me. The doctor didn’t want to give opportunity for those atypical cells to turn into cancer. Now, I fell in the high-risk rate window because of the presentation of the atypical cells I had.

The surgeon and another doctor informed me of my high-risk percentage, which would now require not just an annual screening but an MRI each year. The MRI would be able to detect breast cancer much earlier than a regular mammogram.

Believe me, this was not anything I ever thought would happen or wanted to hear. Thanks be to God, the result of my lumpectomy surgery at the end of October last year, was BENIGN! I was so grateful to hear the news of no cancer, but it didn’t mean that I was off the hook because of my atypical cells and the category I now fell in for risk of getting breast cancer.

In saying that, I do the ketogenic diet, and have been on it for now going on six years, and do DIM to detox of any xenoestrogens now for over 3 years, as well as stay away from plastics, grounding, and doing black tea, working out, etc. I thank God that I had been doing all those preventive measures for my healthcare, because had I not, I am confident my report would have been worse. God gives us wisdom for our body and how to take care of our temple. For me it was a regiment that transformed my body over the course of a few years.

Prior to the keto diet I wanted to die and felt horrible. When God told me the name of the diet and to get on it, I knew that it was life or death. Slowly symptoms of other dis-eases faded away and I began to slowly feel good and get my energy back. Later, God had me add other things to aid in my health. Many times, we might brush off the nudges that God gives us, when if we heeded them, things would have turned out differently for us. I’m glad I heeded the voice of God.

Although I’m not over thrilled with getting MRIs now, I know that it is better to be safer than sorry. In saying all of this, I was so blessed last year when my operation landed in October, not knowing it was even Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Please women, get your annual screenings and never think you are too young to get it earlier than normal. Listen to the nudges of God directing you in your health and obey. I’m not a medical expert and am not putting this information out there for others to follow. I merely want you to see what happened in my life, and how grateful I am to God, my husband, sons, parents, family and loved ones, who encouraged me through this process. I am blessed! My outcome was good.

I’ve known others who have battled breast cancer and won. I’m in awe of their testimony. Please women, don’t avoid this issue; be aware!


God Bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Roadblocks ahead

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Roadblocks Ahead


Last night on Facebook, God had me release an announcement for a corporate fast this week regarding this nation and His church. I posted early this morning on what the Lord had shown me that is to come and to urge His people to fast. This is what I shared.

Sunday morning on October 3, 2021, Rich and I went to work out at the gym, unaware that there was a citywide 26-mile marathon. The first greeting to our car as we got in it, was a praying mantis on my side of the windshield. No matter what, that praying mantis wasn’t going to leave, and so we had to aid it in departing, by moving the windshield wipers. At that moment I felt God nudging me that He would give me a prayer need, what that need was, I didn’t know.

We live in the downtown Birmingham metro area, and workout in the heart of downtown. Moreover, we traverse the smaller outlying metro area to go to the store and get gas on our Sunday mornings before church.

This Sunday morning, the 26-mile marathon met us on our way out of the gym all the way up towards our house and in the outlying areas we always go. Getting a bit antsy, I told my husband I felt like someone who was falsely imprisoned in this maze and unable to get home. My mind simply reverted to my tort law class to the topic of false imprisonment. I even mentioned feeling as though I was falsely imprisoned to a policeman, who was kind enough to inform us of the 26 mile-marathon.

What should have only taken us 10 minutes, turned into an hour. There was roadblock after roadblock, everywhere we went, from downtown Birmingham to the University of Alabama at Birmingham, to Homewood, to Mountain Brook, to Brookwood and Green Springs Highway.


I can tell you, it felt very odd being kept in downtown Birmingham for a long time, and then as we finally found roads to venture out of the downtown area into the other areas, we were greeted with more and more unending roadblocks. I felt claustrophobic in a maze that seemed to never end for the time being.

Eventually, I decided that I had to be in God’s peace and get through this maze with His joy and not let unending roadblocks at every turn, making us search out another route, be alarming. This is crazy to say but initially it was. I felt emotional and mental suffocation, with no end in sight.

We finally made it home, and I heard the Lord say, “Robin, call my people to a fast and to pray.” I was thinking, we just got off a fast in September and now another one for October. Then later that evening, I got a message from Matt Snow who asked me about what a praying mantis means, because he had one fly in his car the same day, which had come upon his driver side. I then felt God’s nudge that confirmed the fasting and prayer for the hour we were in, which led to last night’s announcement.

This morning I went into to detail on a Facebook post, about all that I experienced on Sunday (yesterday) and that we would be going through a maze of sort, bringing in Jeremiah 12:5-7, in the days ahead and we needed to be prayed up and in peace. It would be a version on a nationally level of what I experienced during our Sunday morning event. I included the bible scriptures for the present time regarding this week’s fast.

Jeremiah 12:5 in the Amplified Classic refers to the present age Jeremiah found himself, as a MAZE. I posted a graphic last year in May, with the verse on it. (See below)

In addition, I did a live video this morning, Walking With Wisdom, on Facebook Live. I shared this experience of traversing the maze, as I explained several times that there will be roadblocks in the days ahead, where we must pray and be at peace.

Well, would you know that within a couple of hours of that live video and calling people to prayer, Facebook and Instagram went down, and have been down to this moment as of 4 pm CST. Immediately I heard God say, “Robin it is one of the roadblocks I warned that would come.”

I Googled Facebook and error and saw that both it and Instagram were down, and about there being a Whistleblower to expose Facebook.

Moreover, I searched Google for “Facebook and roadblock,” and staring me in my face was an article published two hours before my Facebook Live, titled “Facebook’s sketchy past with user data could be a ROADBLOCK for Instagram kids.” There it was! ROADBLOCK!

With this said, I will hopefully upload this morning’s video to this article once Facebook is up and running again, so I can download it from there and post.

Saints, I’m more than confidant in this hour that we are to be in prayer and fasting and God’s nudge for us to be ready, is His protection and peace for our soul. More is to come. I continually said over and over in the video, that there would be roadblocks to come, and we would be in a maze, but that God would get us through it with peace.

When all of this happened this morning with social media, I had complete peace and could feel God’s confirmation on what He is preparing us for. Be at peace saints, God is going to get us through this maze.

My new book on Amazon, Mindfulness the Mind of Christ, helps you navigate the maze of the jungle in this life, with God’s peace and truth.


Robin Kirby-Gatto


[But the Lord rebukes Jeremiah’s impatience, saying] If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses? And if [you take to flight] in a land of peace where you feel secure, then what will you do [when you tread the tangled MAZE OF THE JUNGLE haunted by lions] in the swelling and flooding of the Jordan?

For even your brethren and the house of your father—even they have dealt treacherously with you; yes, even they are [like a pack of hounds] in full cry after you. Believe them not, though they speak fair words and promise good things to you.

I have forsaken My house, I have cast off My heritage; I have given the dearly beloved of My life into the hands of her enemies. Jeremiah 12:5-7 AMPC


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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Great food ideas


Here is leftover cabbage and roast beef topped with eggs!

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

This life is a journey

We’re on a journey in this life. This earth isn’t our destination, merely the road we walk, as we leave our footprints along the way.

One thing I’ve learned, is that life has pains and troubles, as much as it has joys and expectations of hope. People become disappointed and discouraged, because they expect to only have only good feelings, not realizing all the while that God created us to experience joy and pain.

3 John 1:2 reveals this in greater capacity.

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers.” 3 John 1:2 AMPC

Prosper in Greek means, to reach a place with success and to have a good journey, a well journey. We’ve looked at this life from the wrong viewpoint, thinking it’s our destination, when instead we’re all on a long road trip, journeying through this life on earth, to the next life.

The word soul in 3 John 1:2 means breath and that which is sentient. Sentient means to have feelings of the joyful things in life as well as the painful parts of life. It’s us SENSING! God created us to have senses, and you will discover in my new book, Mindfulness The Mind of Christ, that we actually have senses inside of our internal organs.

The painful parts of life, as well as the great parts, tells us that we’re still alive.

The amazing thing is, to the hungry soul that which is bitter and difficult, tastes sweet. (Proverbs 27:7)

God’s Promised Land flows with milk and honey. What you might not know is that milk in Hebrew is curdled milk, fermented and bitter. The incredible fact is that when you taste a bitter food prior to tasting something sweet, it makes the sweet food sweeter. I drink apple cider vinegar with the mother, diluted by water, each day. Right after I take it, I then taste a dab of honey. I’m grateful for the apple cider vinegar because it’s not only a good probiotic for my body, but it makes the honey taste so much better.

This is life! When you realize that the pain and difficult times are merely a diving board to amplify the great and joyful times, then you relax and live in the moment. This is how we live. We’re to enjoy this journey of life and help others have a good journey. If we all looked at life like this, how much better would it be?

Help others to get out of the maze of the things of this world, and live the life they were meant to live!


God Bless!

Robin Kirby-Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

It is in the lowest place that we shift

I had to go to Off Road Connection to learn how to drive with this new clutch and new engine. LOL. My old clutch pad was completely worn out, and I had been driving prior on that old worn out pad. He said it was amazing I was still driving!

DO YOU HEAR THIS??????? I had been driving with a WORN OUT pad!!!!!!!!! I didn't know it!

It was when they installed the new engine that they found out my gear pad was completely worn! Therefore, when I got the new padding on, along with the new engine, I couldn't drive my jeep right! I felt like I was back in high school learning to drive for the first time, when I attempted to drive a stick shift back then. In high school my first attempt with a stick shift I drove into the football field fence. LOL. Thank goodness it was chainlink; I just got out and pulled it back into form.

I had to go back to the mechanic to show me how to shift with this new pad. Yesterday, I was burning rubber, the engine cutting off and the jeep jerking. But now, thank goodness, I know how this new pad on the gears, drives.

SAINTS! Some of you are worn out and don't realize you need a NEW PAD, POWER OF ALPHA'S DECREE! THE WORD OF TRUTH IN YOU!!!!!!

When you are worn out, you think you have power, when instead you're just pronouncing what you would like to happen, but don't BELIEVE WILL HAPPEN!!!!!

OH MY! The biggest change in this new pad, was me learning that the clutch now wanted to show in the LOWEST PLACE, where as before when it was worn out, it shifted in the HIGHEST PLACE! WOW THAT WILL PREACH!!!!!!!!

When we get the refreshing of the Lord, we decrease and He increases, we get low!!!!!!!!! It is in the low place we have His power!!!!!!!!

Robin Kirby Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Overcoming your giants

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We are at the time of Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets.

When I consider the Feast of Trumpets, I think of the awesomeness of God’s protection over my life. He is the God of Justice, setting all things right. He is the Lord of the battle!

God gave me an acronym for GIANT, God’s Israel Against the Nefarious Tempter.

The enemy wants to tempt us in our faith. He wants us in fear and anxiety. You must guard your heart and mind against all that would crowd your space and bring dread. God’s Word is True and powerful within our members, bringing strength and ability to all that we do. This is grace!

Zerubbabel was the governor of Israel in the time of their captivity. He was worn out by the attacks of the enemy and had stopped the rebuilding of the temple. The prophet Zechariah urged Zerubbabel in the strength of the Name of the Lord to realize that his mountain, was about to become a mole hill, a plain. What had seemed insurmountable before, had now been brought to naught.

That is what happens when the voice of fear, anxiety, panic and dread comes against our members. It’s the invisible giants within. Understand that the giants you face in life aren’t outside of you; they’re inside your heart and mind. The first place to overcome your giants is within your body. All your negative emotions are stored memories at the receptor level, unpacking in times of crisis to the stress response.

You must resist the nefarious tempter, who is satan. Nefarious comes from a Latin word meaning “not the divine law.” Nefarious means wicked and evil. The enemy of your soul wants you to believe that his words are the divine law. That’s how the devil has always been, wanting to be God. You must resist the devil and he will flee.

Realize that you are God’s chosen people. As He caused Israel to come against Goliath, the big fat mouth giant, through the young man David, who would become king, the enemy was defeated.

When you face the giants in your soul, you overcome the giants in every circumstance! Mountains become mole hills!

What giant are you facing today, where there is false evidence appearing real? Know that Greater is Christ Jesus in you, than he that is in the world!

I get into detail about this in my new book, Mindfulness the Mind of Christ!


God Bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto


“For who are you, O great mountain [of human obstacles]? Before Zerubbabel [who with Joshua had led the return of the exiles from Babylon and was undertaking the rebuilding of the temple, before him] you shall become a plain [a mere [a]molehill]! And he shall bring forth the finishing gable stone [of the new temple] with loud shoutings of the people, crying, Grace, grace to it!” Zechariah 4:7 AMPC


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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Entropy and Inversion

To understand how information at the receptor level is entropy, bringing disorder to our members, please listen to this awesome video on my Walking With Wisdom mornings!

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto




Entropy in physics, is the theory of disorder in physics. It measures unavailable energy within the system, for mechanical work. Moreover, scientists have demonstrated that entropy cannot be reversed, which is known as inversion.

I believe in the supernatural, where the body and spirit meet, that there’s a physiological change to the G-Protein Coupled receptor, where entropy within your body can be inverted, bringing peace and dismantling chaos. Information is stored within the receptor level and becomes your subconscious narrative, governing your emotions.

Learn how to overcome bad behaviors, self-deprecating mindsets, and a poor self-image, as Robin takes you on the journey of truth at the receptor level.

Get the book Mindfulness, the Mind of Christ on Amazon, by Robin Kirby-Gatto!


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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Book Coaching

I am thrilled beyond all measure with the release of my new book, “Mindfulness the Mind of Christ.” It is a life changing book, navigating the reader to a better understanding of why they think and believe the way they do about themselves and others. Moreover, it brings to light an ancient technique hidden within scripture in both the Old and New Testaments, regarding a natural aid to the body, whereby the self-image has more clarity.

All those who have followed the ancient technique have come forward with praise reports regarding their physical health, emotional/mental health, relationships, and freedom from addictions. This by far is the most body altering work you’ll ever see. You got that right, I said body altering not mind altering. We’ve got it all wrong as it relates to the Mind and Body connection, when it should be the other way around, the Body and Mind connection. The body is the leader of the mind. When the body is set free at the receptor level within the subconscious, of the knowledge of evil, then you walk with greater confidence and purpose in life, experiencing good success.

It is my hope that you enjoy this book and consider getting book coaching alongside it. There will be 2 to 3 sessions per chapter at only a nominal cost of $10 per session. The sessions will be videos recorded on Zoom, sent out to participants, where they can view the videos as much as they like, taking notes. For those who are unable to afford therapy/counseling or some form of support, I believe that the Book Coaching will help satisfy some part of that as you join in for life changing videos.


If you’re interested in the Book Coaching contact me at

The book can be purchased on Amazon!


God bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto


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The Grappling of the Soul


The mind-body connection isn’t easy to grasp. Many books have been written on this issue to aid others in the knowledge of it, one of which is my latest book, “Mindfulness the Mind of Christ.”

With this said, I’m certain that the order in which we’ve set this whole theme, has further disabled us. It’s the Body-Mind connection, not the mind-body connection.

Whatever we put first, is the order of importance we give a matter. The fact that we call the topic the mind-body connection verifies that we put more importance on the brain getting things right, when it’s the body getting things right. The problem is that the brain has kept the body in a prison, treating it as the black sheep of the family. Therefore, the body thinks it cannot behave and allows the brain to tell it what to do.

Let me just say: THIS IS MESSED UP! Moreover, this is why we’re messed up. We’ve allowed the brain to be in control of everything, unaware that our body has all the dynamic ability and potential to be great and lead us into an unlimited future.

The whole concept of Body-Mind is difficult, stretching, a grappling of the soul, leading us down an awkward path we’ve not been, but is necessary. Trust that your body will know what to do when it’s consecrated by the Truth of the Word, which I get into detail about in my new book, at the G Protein Coupled Receptor.

Get ready because we’re going on a ride!


God Bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto


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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Mindfulness the Mind of Christ

The book is out on Amazon! I will put link below! Get ready to go on a most unexpected journey!

God bless!



See what all the BUZZ is about!

Examine mindfulness from a different angle as Robin takes you on the journey of the mind and body connection through scripture, seeing the informational signaling of the body, with an ancient technique to aid in body conditioning.

Robin unpacks the G Protein-Coupled Receptor through scripture and physiology, revealing the means by which senses are opened in the body, unleashing the superior intellect within, which aids in transforming the self-image.

Scripture and the sciences intertwine incredibly, going through a honeybee’s life, aiding in more revelation of truth, for people to walk in healing and deliverance.

Robin has a bachelor’s and master’s in social work, having worked as an outpatient psychotherapist, as well as a Juris Doctorate. Coupled with that she’s been an ordained minister in full-time ministry since February 24, 2011, writing workbooks and doing workshops around the world, bringing her audience wisdom on the soul. In addition, she has a health and wellness certification through an international program and uses the knowledge of health and wellness to navigate her clients through life’s issues, transforming into the greatness they’re meant to be in this lifetime.

Her health and wellness ministry can be found at

Go on the most incredible journey throughout this book and look for the companion journal JUST BEE within the next few months.

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Reset, Refocus, Restart

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Reset, Refocus, Restart


I was inspired today to go through my clothes and pack bags to get rid of things I won’t wear. The good news is that I’ve gone down almost two sizes in clothes, which makes me motivated all the more. Feeling high on life, as though I’m moving somewhere good emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually heightened the spark in my single-mindedness.

Having been on keto now over five years and entering the sixth year, because of all my hormonal issues, I’ve had to be patient as they got balanced, while continuing strength training and cardio, as well as my routine supplementation. Now it’s all paying off after a long journey, where most people would’ve normally given up, waiting on the results I’m now getting. Something in my gut wouldn’t let me give up (God). I knew that I felt better on keto as the symptoms of my dis-eases dissipated. However, I had to be patient for nearly five years for the weight to go down. I still eat exactly the same as I have over the years, my body has hit its own stride as it seems to have RESET!

Opening up drawers, emptying other bags and the like, got me excited. Not only did I pack clothes to give away, but I unpacked clothes that I’ve purchased through eBay over the last 5 years, waiting for this day to come. I can now see the reality of fitting into a size 2! It’s just around the corner as I’m sailing through my size 4 clothes now and it’s any moment, they will be too big for me.

All afternoon I enthusiastically said, “I cannot wear that, I won’t wear that; oh, good I can finally wear that!”

Get this; nearly five years ago I bought my first pair of size 2 pants and I tried them on today and can almost wear them!

Before I knew it, I had cleaned out all of my clothes, and in the end had two big trash bags of goodies to take to Hannah Home.

It didn’t stop there. I ended up dusting other parts of the house and then cleaning our front porch! I tell you one little flicker of seeing a reset in my body, motivated me to see a reset in other things within my life. CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN AND CLEANER!

Getting rid of the old, made way for the new and created more space in our tiny historic apartment in downtown Birmingham. It felt good I tell you!

What is it in your life that needs to be RESET? Just one small change can change everything else.


3 Through skillful and godly Wisdom is a house (a life, a home, a family) built, and by understanding it is established [on a sound and good foundation],

4 And by knowledge shall its chambers [of every area] be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-4 AMPC





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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Don’t take on other people’s battles.

Don’t let the battles of others, become your own battle.

Areas in the soul where we have a poor self-image are latent with internal battles. Unconscious to what is truly going on at the receptor level, we find ourselves with mixed emotions, unsure of what is occurring and uncertain with things in life. This is the result of the disconnect between the mind and body, where we’ve been largely taught for centuries from the head down. As a result, delayed development in the natural brain has less than sufficient capability in processing what’s happening in the environment, as well as to who we are, whereby we become yoked with a false identity, believing the ultimate parody that “we’re bad.”

Young children are growing up confused as to their gender, bullying goes on in school extenuating the poor self-image, all as the result of trying to teach the child from the brain down to the body. The body’s language of emotion, develops much faster than the brain’s language of thoughts and words, ultimately asking the question continually over and over for our entire earthly life, “Who are we?”

When our self-image is this destitute in areas of the soul, we end up having blurred lines with who we are, and who others are. As a result, we take on the unnecessary battles of the thoughts and opinions of others.

No wonder we have issues and are confused at times in this life. We’ve been taught backwards. Much emphasis is given to the mind than it is the body, whereby we overlook the fact that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. He knows how we operate; we are His invention.

We are at ground zero and the adventure begins for the entire globe to learn the conditioning of the body. As we commit ourselves to condition our body’s language, it supernaturally sucks the toxic waste dump out of our identity, which has been enmeshed within the fibers of our soul.

Bit by bit, we take back a little more of our soul than we did before, conditioning it for the national championship. We are committed. With this change comes.

Stay Tuned for More! Digestive thoughts from the new book Mindfulness, the Mind of Christ, by Robin Kirby-Gatto



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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Know who it is you’re worshipping

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Your God interprets your reality. Whether you realize it or not, you are worshipping someone or something. Not making a decision of believing in a God, is a decision of who is your god; you make yourself god. I myself am a Christian, and am fully persuaded of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Father of Jesus Christ.

As I’ve been writing my new book, “Mindfulness, the Mind of Christ,” it has been brought to my understanding on a microscopic level within the cosmos of our body, all the daily activities we perform are based on the presumption of what we believe to be real, which ultimately points back to who we worship.

The easy way to examine or assess who it is you’re worshipping, is by looking at your “fruit.” I have over three chapters on the language of fruit in the new book, where the mind and body connect in the invisible realm of spirit, as their outcome is made known through our actions.

We go blindly through hours, days, weeks, months and even years in a numb-like state, very much as though we’re asleep, unconscious to the invisible language we generate to others in a scientific manner through frequencies, heard by others around us even when we are not speaking. This can be seen in Psalm 19.

1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork.

2 Day after day pours forth speech, and night after night shows forth knowledge.

3 There is no speech nor spoken word [from the stars]; their voice is not heard.

4 Yet their voice [in evidence] goes out through all the earth, their sayings to the end of the world. Of the heavens has God made a tent for the sun, Psalm 19:1-4 AMPC

Similar to stars that shine and pour forth speech, their voice is not heard by our ears, yet their voice goes throughout all of the earth. This is a riddle, an enigma, a mystery, which reveals that mankind’s intentions and motives are made known in the invisible realm of fruit, where the MINDBODY connect on a microscopic level within the cell.

Whether we realize it or not whoever we worship is made known on a cellular level within our body. It is the crux of all we do, guiding our emotions bit by bit down a trail of breadcrumbs. Consider every action you take and be conscious of who it is that you worship.


Robin Kirby-Gatto





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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Upload complete, Process will begin shortly.

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“Upload Complete, Processing will Begin Shortly.”


The words I see each time that I upload a video on YouTube, is “Upload Complete, Processing will Begin Shortly.” How appropriate that is to our life. Whether we realize it or not, when knowledge of some sort is added to our person, the way in which it is measured out to us is through PROCESSING.

Processing comes from the word process, which means, “a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end; a systematic series of mechanized or chemical operations that are performed in order to produce or manufacture something; to perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on something in order to preserve it or change it.Process comes from the Latin word processus, which means “progression and course.”

Many people do not realize there is always a process to everything in our lives. We are a walking process.

No different from uploading my video to YouTube and waiting on it to process what was uploaded before it then does “checks” on the video, our mind and body has to process the knowledge to which we give our attention.

Our mind and body are in the work of reconciling all day long, every day, even when we are sleeping. It is necessary for them to land on the same page of explanation on a term or circumstance, so that there is congruency of expression of a thing. Processing is the expression of what has been acquired. Expression means “the PROCESS of making known one’s thoughts and feelings.” This comes from the Latin word exprimere which means, “to PRESS OUT, EXPRESS.”

Press means “to move or cause to move into position of contact with something by exerting continuous physical force, TO APPLY PRESSURE IN ORDER TO SHAPE.” Does this not sound familiar? It is the forming of a diamond from coal.

It takes 1 billion to 3.3 billion years for coal to turn into a diamond. This transformation occurs through the act of pressure. Carbon life forms, largely from plants, brings about the act of coal through intense pressure. From coal, continued pressure then turns it into a diamond. Diamonds are the purest forms of carbo, which have been subjected to the most intense pressure.


Our soul processes our believed reality, which we have created as the inner sanctum of our self-image. This inner sanctum is exposed in our afflictions, our trials, our times of PRESSURE. As a result, we are able to take a microscopic view of what we have believed and determine whether or not it is still beneficial for our soul to continue to believe.

Whenever there is pressure within our life, you can rest assured, there is some download of Truth being pressed into your heart and mind, so that they reconcile to a reality that is beneficial for the progress of your soul.

Paul the apostle knew the process of his soul well.

7 However, we possess this precious treasure [the divine Light of the Gospel] in [frail, human] vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves.

8 We are hedged in (pressed) on every side [troubled and oppressed in every way], but not cramped or crushed; we suffer embarrassments and are perplexed and unable to find a way out, but not driven to despair;

9 We are pursued (persecuted and hard driven), but not deserted [to stand alone]; we are struck down to the ground, but never struck out and destroyed; 2 Corinthians 4:7-9 AMPC

The treasure of truth and the greatness within come out through pressure. We are formed into the beauty of the purest form of who we are called to be, in the darkest of times. This brings out the expression of the authentic self, which endures the assaults of hell, but shines the Light of heaven!


God Bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto





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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

The self-image grounded

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The Self-Image Grounded


Grounded is a word we hear often in different contexts. As a result, we see grounded has a multiplicity of use.

Grounded can mean, “well-balanced and sensible, a plane that is prohibited from flying, the teaching of a firm theoretical or practical basis, a batter hitting a ball, as well as connecting an electrical device to the ground.”

When the term grounded is employed, it gives one the analogy that some-thing is anchored upon another source. The source upon which a thing is anchored, is supplied the strength through this connection. It is no different for us, as it relates to our self-image. Whether we realize it or not, the self-image is drawing strength from either a good or negative source, as it relates to who we believe we are.

Whatever source we draw from, gives assertion to the narrative that is in line with it, feeding our soul with a specific mental program. Thus, if the source is negative, strength will be given to subconscious memories that have destructive emotions, belittling us, as we feel unvalued, unloved and deficient. On the other hand, if the source is positive, strength will be given to subconscious memories that are growth oriented, helpful, constructive, and life giving, where we will feel important, valued and loved.

You can only love others as you love yourself. This is why being grounded is so important.

Another newer avenue, as it relates to be grounded, is what is known as Earthing, where one is barefoot outside. For those who have not heard of this therapeutic phenomenon, it allows the electrons that are in the earth to enter your body via the skin, so that you are provided strength, and is one of the most aggressive ways in fighting free radicals. The testimonies I have seen online and from people I know personally are astounding.

An individual I coach has for years had kidney issues and ends up having several surgeries a year for her kidney stones. Her insurance lapsed during 2020 and she could not afford the surgery. After I shared grounding/earthing, she put it into action and in a short time, passed three large kidney stones, the ones for which she needed surgery. This blew my mind, as well as others I know, who have reported great health outcomes.

For those who know me, you are familiar with my teachings of scripture from the Word of God, with physics, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, mathematics and biology. I am absolutely intrigued on how things work, because as Romans 1:20 reveals, it makes the scripture of Who God is, come alive!

God introduced me to Keto in July of 2016, telling me the name of the lifestyle diet I had never heard. He then told me about plastics in 2018 and instructed me to take DIM and get rid of as many plastics as possible. I have been very good in guarding my health with keto and avoiding plastics. However, no matter how good I have been, a health issue showed up in my breasts in September of this year, which led to surgical removal of a suspicious lump. Thank God it was benign.

It was this surgery that made me all the more aware of my personal health. Right after the surgery, God brought grounding/being grounded into my life. I purchased earthing shoes for everyone in my family, my sons, daughter in grace, husband, and parents. I care about all of their health and quality of life, so therefore I am proactive in introducing them to life-saving habits that are preventive measures for one’s health.

Immediately after I first grounded, it was the same feeling I have after being at the beach all weekend. The crazy thing is, I just grounded 45 minutes! Then I realized, the reason you feel so good at the beach is because you are barefoot on the sand, you are grounded.

Rich and I go to a local park where I do my regular grounding, and he too noticed an immediate difference, which for him is short of a miracle; he never feels anything.

Continually throughout this short time that I have implemented grounding in my life, I was seeking to understand God on a greater scale, through scripture and my new preventive care method. Immediately last week, God brought the scripture from Ephesians 3:17 into my person. I love Ephesians 3:16-20 and have written and taught on it many times.

16 May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality].

17 May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! MAY YOU BE ROOTED DEEP IN LOVE AND FOUNDED SECURELY ON LOVE,

18 That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God’s devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it];

19 [That you may really come] to know [practically, [e]through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!

20 Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]— Ephesians 3:16-20 AMPC

The word “founded” in Ephesians 3:17 is the Greek word themelióō pronounced them-el-ee-o'-o meaning, “to lay a basis, lay the foundation, GROUND, and settle.” The King James Version translation has the word “grounded” instead of founded. (Strong’s Concordance Greek Word # 2311)

When we look at Ephesians 3:16-20, we see the employment of the strength of God to the soul, reinforcing the inner man with mighty power. The way we are strengthened within is by being GROUNDED in love. This love causes us to have understanding of an EXPERIENCE, and not just mere knowledge. Knowledge without experience is information, but knowledge with experience is BELIEF, which is power! You move into your destiny based on what you believe.

As I thought about the roots of a tree, which I have written about in detail with oak trees, in my last book, Rev 22:2, I could not help but think of how many times in scripture we are compared to trees. Moreover, God used the dirt of the earth to create and form man, as He breathed life into Adam.

The Electrons of the Sun are in the Dirt!

My thoughts kept wondering back to grounding in the natural, and how the electrons in the earth bring homeostasis, decreasing inflammation, fighting free radicals, and causing me to feel as though I have bathed in an ocean. It is pure relaxation and surreal; tranquil.

I have an EXPERIENCE from the electrons, not just coursing through my feet, into my body, but also into my brain. My entire person is being affected! This is what we see with Ephesians 3:16-20. That when you are affected by love in your inner man, through Christ Jesus, and He is your foundation, you are grounded and founded upon Him. As a result, you have the availability of that source, which then strengthens your SELF-IMAGE! Because you are plugged into, grounded, into that source, you are supplied with a strength beyond yourself, which then causes you to see the fruit of it in your life, as it reaches beyond what you can imagine and think!

This life merely reflects who you believe you are.

As an oak tree is grounded in the dirt, receiving nourishment, it is similar to us being grounded to the earth receiving the electrons given to it from the SUN! As I have taught on electrons since 2013 with scripture, I did a wordplay with it meaning THE ELECT RUN! Strength comes to us when we know we are loved; we are enabled to do what we were designed to do in this life, to reflect God’s love.

Therefore, ask yourself, in what source you are grounded? Where do you get your strength?

If you are having issues with displaying unlovely behaviors, and living a life of negativity, it is like you are swimming in a pool of acid or sitting in a dump of toxicity. Change your mind set on where you draw your strength and watch God!

God Bless!

Robin Kirby-Gatto

Email me at to join in on group coaching, and I will send info!

Here is link to the Earthing Movie. I am a strong Christian and realize there is some sprinkling of new age in here from other people’s beliefs, but I am presenting this for THE SCIENCE ONLY of how this works.



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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

The small things that become something

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Sitting here on the velvety hunter green sleigh couch, I am swallowed up by the cushions, pondering as Christmas draws near. My thoughts are carried away by the amazing things God has done for my family.

Mentally, I thumb through the index of blessings that I am grateful for. The oddness though, is that simultaneously I examine where I am in the present moment, and where I want to be in the coming year, discovering a hodgepodge of emotions cascade within my being. I collect my thoughts and organize them into different files within my mind.

When then, I suddenly realize the plethora of change, which has occurred throughout the year. I think to myself, “wait a minute, we have gone through A LOT this year, which we have not been through before.”

This momentary revisitation of what transpired is much like an old friend who returns home and meets for coffee. You strike up a conversation about past times, and recognize, thoughts will end, goodbyes will be said, and the meeting over.

Our soul, on our journey, sees the trifling details of transition from one year to the next, more ritualistic than we realize. These trifles provide us a bridge on which to cross over.

We know we will not come back to the place we have been before. We will leave this past year and make the incoming year a reconnaissance for our personal growth, as we dare to dream about things that may come, potential realities that have not yet arrived. However, we are certain that they are planted within the fibers of our self-image; we feel and expect, we hope.

Yes! This is the time!

The self-image takes on its environment. Therefore, the bridge we cross over from 2020 to 2021 provides us a journey in changing environments, both emotionally and mentally. Simply dismissing all that has happened during this year, hinders our ability to grow, whereby we might pitch up a tent, unwittingly to find ourselves in an old season, longer than we should.

As for me, I assess that which has been a blessing to me and my family, catapulting our personal growth. No matter what good or what bad has happened; it is all a blessing. All things have worked to our good. Moreover, GOD IS GOOD!

When we forget these two components that 1) God is good and 2) God works all things to our good, we stumble and fall. We regress into old patterns, because our self-image stays in yesteryear in an unhealthy way. This mindset keeps us from crossing over. As a result, we need to have revelation of where we have not moved on into better spiritual, mental and emotional growth.

Assessments are not a bad thing; when you work for a company, the annual assessment shows you where you sit in relation to your work outcome, as well as leads to promotion.

It is no different as we leave one year and get ready for the next. All the things that have happened have in some form, shaped an invisible environment, which has benefited us sometimes and on occasion held us back. The way to overcome the negative effects of what has held us back, we have to perceive that God is good, and works all things to our good.

We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose. Romans 8:28 AMPC

The goodness of God brings the trifles of all the details of 2020 into perspective, so that no matter what, we will hope all the more, chose to be better in our character, and honor others, while respecting and loving ourselves. The word trifles here, is a thing of little value or importance. The things we do not realize that are important, are the small things we do day to day that add up to someTHING big.

Therefore, go into this new year of 2021, allowing your soul to be blessed in the goodness of God, searching to see through that lens, as you enter a time of expectancy and hope.

God Bless!

Robin Kirby-Gatto







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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

A mutt doesn’t know it’s a mutt

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A Mutt doesn’t know it’s a Mutt.


As I walked today, something astonishing happened. This can only be God! I am not brilliant enough to figure this out on my own, much less compile such an impressive blog that will blow your mind. Only God can do that.

As I was walking this afternoon on a melodic fall day, where leaves wafted down twirling like dancers in the air, a most unusual aspect of revelation occurred. First, I passed by a group of young adults who were bearing behaviors I am familiar with from my past work in mental health, disabling them from a normal life, where it appeared, they lived in a boarding home, or at the least were in an adult daycare. I have worked in the past in adult daycare for the seriously mentally ill, which at times included the diagnosis of severe mental retardation.

As I viewed their elated enjoyment of the beautiful day, at a historic district park, I relished with them from a distance, in the laughter and smiles, as they too saw the same dancing leaves falling in the wind.

Sun out, beautiful weather, each of us somehow connected on a level of gratitude, where the fondness of my walk was all the more poetic.

What would Wordsworth or Keats write in a moment of artistic inspiration on a day like this? Just a thought, what a neat name as Words-worth; he knew what words were worth.

Back to my day. I did my usual afternoon walk, lapping around the three parks in our historic district, greeting others with smiles and hellos. Then upon my second lap, God said, “Robin, a mutt doesn’t know it’s a mutt.” My response was “heh” ... which is like “huh,” but with an enthusiastic agreement, knowing that there would be an unfolding of revelation.

God then proceeded to tell me that people see what they want to see, which I agreed, knowing this truth He revealed to me 15 years ago. He went further to explain that a mutt doesn’t know that it has no pedigree, and that although others might look at it as though its value is less, it has no clue what others see and don’t see. The mutt doesn’t see itself different than any other dog. A mixed canine doesn’t look at a pedigree dog, worth ten thousand dollars and say, “that dog is better than me.”

I was blown away at the revelation and was like, “Wow God, you are right!”

Savoring the thought like a morsel of fine steak, I continued to ponder on it.

Coming back on the leg of my last lap, an older couple in front of me stepped aside and went another direction, when it saw the group of mentally challenged young adults loading onto a bus. I however, felt quite in my element, loving the joy and gentleness displayed on their faces, which made me feel like I was 22 again and at my old job.

With a huge smile on my face, I walked right up to them as they lined up to get on the bus, and greeted them with a smile, “It’s a beautiful day.” They smiled back, along with the adult case worker who aided them, “Yes a beautiful day.”

All of us beamed, sharing the gratitude we had towards God for such a day.

I came home, preparing for work and God said, “Robin write a note, ‘A Mutt doesn’t know it’s a Mutt.’”

Then I looked to see what “mutt” means and was blown away!

Mutt means, a dog, especially a mongrel that is not of a pedigree. However, the word mutt came from “muttonhead, which means a dull or stupid person.” This is sad, because many look at disabled people and think they are stupid, and they absolutely are not. I know this well having worked with them in my profession of social work. They have value and are smarter than people think.

What blew me away is that God said, this is how people have looked at you, as though you are a mutt. However, a mutt doesn’t know it’s a mutt!

God said “Robin it is all in the eye of the beholder”

Those that see me as less than, don’t see as God does, and only see me as a mutt. However, I don’t know that because GOD sees me as beautiful!

God went on, to show me how other people might feel like that mutt dog, except knowing that others see it as less than and of no pedigree. That is what shame on the self-image does; it makes you feel like a mutt. However, when you do not care what others think about, you don’t own their labels, no different as someone who has mental challenges. Those beautiful young adults, who many would write off, simply delighted in the day as I did, laughing, smiling, and running around at the park. They clapped their hands and cheered for each other in their enjoyment and it was pure BEAUTY! IT WAS A DEGREE OF LOVE UNTOUCHED by those who were not blessed to observe it.

12 Even the darkness hides nothing from You, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You. 13 For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I will confess and praise You for You are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works, and that my inner self knows right well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret [and] intricately and curiously wrought [as if embroidered with various colors] in the depths of the earth [a region of darkness and mystery]. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them. 17 How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Psalm 139:12-17 AMPC


10 For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live]. Ephesians 2:10 AMPC


For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 AMPC


This is the question for you? Do you view yourself as a mutt? If you do, know that God doesn’t see you that way and moreover, if a mutt doesn’t know it’s a mutt why should we feel any different.


God bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Everything is not a crisis

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As this saying kept rolling over and over in my heart and mind, “Everything is not a crisis,” God prompted me to write this note.

We are born into a fallen world, where everything around us is in crisis, because of the ongoing clash between Light and darkness/ good and evil. This battle has ensued since the seed of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil was made known to mankind in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve’s self-image reconfigured unto the bondage of darkness, where death took its toll, on the body, soul and spirit. Since that time, mankind would be caught in the confrontation between God and satan, disabled in the self-image, contagious to the uncleanness of hell.

Uncleanness is the radio wave in receiving satan’s messages, which overtakes us if we aren’t prepared. Drop by drop, he leaves breadcrumbs to the chambers of the delusions of demonic strongholds; the hypnotic state of a false reality of fear, anticipating that we will pick them up and enter into his lair of lies. This hypnosis is the crisis of mankind.

Crisis is “an intense time of difficulty, trouble or danger.” It is a tipping point of a person’s soul, where they have to make a decision. Indecisiveness is irrelevant, because it is still a decision not to decide, to leave the task to fate; it is doubt and unbelief. Crisis comes from the Greek word krinein, meaning “decide.” However, this is the thing. This decision is not your normal run of the mill decision, “what clothes to wear; what shoes to put on; who to call first; do you want coffee and if so, what do you want in it.”

Rather decision here in a crisis, is one that will forever affect a person’s life that, whichever decision they make will leave a lasting impression. This is what the Jews experienced right before the Holocaust. Many were offered departure from Germany before things escalated, but instead they did not see the CRISIS, and tip toed around the decision, deciding not to decide. After that one moment, when the line was drawn in the sand, they discovered their decision would forever altar not only their life but their lineage, as future generations were cut off.

The anomalous thing with crisis, is that it can work for your good as well as against you. If you are awake to the decision that needs to be made, then you see the door of opportunity, the decision you have made, which has opened up another plethora of possibilities you never saw coming. Roads are rerouted, newness springs forth, your eyes are open to perceive it, and the crisis becomes a thesis!

A thesis is research one has undertaken to substantiate a specific view, a concept which has become their truth. Where the heart is no longer uncertain or caught up in a mind game, but rather given over to the study of that which will feed the soul, yielding growth and maturity in a person’s state of mind, to find favor with a belief, a thought which has an emotional experience, compelling them to shout from the roof tops, what is inside of their belly.

Step by step, those who saw the door of departure from the coming crisis, saw the opportunity of a new viewpoint, and exited out of the fallen state of mankind caught up in the greatest darkness, while the thesis within their soul took them to flight in the rhapsody of the Light!

This beautiful display of the glory of God revealed in mankind, that we have been created to create, we have been given vision to see, not in our reality, but in our giftedness, where we realize we are a thesis given to this earth, to bring goodness and light, resisting that which is unclean.

This is where we learn everything is not a crisis. Our minds have been continually prepared and set in crisis mode, where we jump at everything, use demonstrative behavior, hand motions, flailing our arms all around, as if our body was a bugle to let everyone know SOMETHING IS WRONG.

The only thing about the second route in seeing everything as a crisis is that, we never get out of the mind games of satan and become his pawn to make other people focus only on the crisis at hand. Traumatizing them on every end, where they retreat only to accept the self-image’s defeat. They are disabled under the delusion to be tethered to the next supposed crisis that is to creep up, which we will come to find out will be one continuous crisis after another. This is the life in which we have been born, with stressed out parents who are raising children in a stressed-out world, trying to earn a dollar. This is the program of darkness, to keep us in crisis!

But there is an exit!

Oh, where could this awesome exit be you might ask? According to the prophet Hosea, it was in the valley of crisis, of trouble, that a door of opportunity, a thesis of hope opened up to God’s people.

14 “Therefore, behold, I will allure her [Israel] and bring her into the wilderness, and I will speak tenderly and to her heart. 15 There I will give her, her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor [troubling] to be for her a door of hope and expectation. And she shall sing there and respond as in the days of her youth and as at the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt.” Hosea 2:14-15 AMPC

The wilderness here is a moment of crisis. Wilderness in Hebrew comes from the root word dabar which means “to speak.” In the time of crisis, we can DECIDE on the voice we listen to. We can choose to listen to the voice that causes our self-image to soar out of bondage and into freedom, hope! Achor means trouble in Hebrew. In the valley of trouble there is a door of hope, expectation! There is a THESIS, waiting to blossom.

The enemy wants you to live a lifestyle of crisis. You have to resist and enter God’s rest, not giving into the temptation to emotionally be caught into the hype of this false flag that is occurring now, keeping you in state of chronic stress and chronic crisis. Resist the puppet strings that have been attached to you and watch them fall off, as you enter into a Thesis of a New Season of Promise, knowing God will bring you into your greatest hour! The persecution is real, but so is God’s glory!


God bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

The new normal

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During this hour of complexity and perplexity to say the least, our mind and body are finding it difficult to reconcile on a landing spot, most times. This is what we call the “new normal.”

Normal means, “conforming to a standard; and the usual, typical state or condition.” This comes from the Latin word norma, which is a carpenter’s square, as well as means precept and rule.  A carpenter’s square is a right-angled type ruler used for the many building elements in a house from framing, putting on a roof, and building stairs. It is used to TEST all right angles. A saying you will hear similar to “she must be losing her mind,” is “the carpenter who built this room must have lost his square.”

The carpenter square brings a standard to a house, in order to reveal its state, its condition. This is what is considered NORMAL. Likewise, within our mind and body there is an invisible carpenter’s square, constantly bringing us “normal.” 24-7 our mind and body are trying to hit the same landing spot, where they agree on what normal is. Unfortunately, when we are experiencing things we have not before, that muddles what we believe to be normal.

As a result, if we are not vigilant, we can become panicky or anxious in the midst of this transition into a new normal. Understand this, once you have been to a new normal, it is difficult to return back to the old. Our minds have gone a place we have not been before, due to the emotional language of dis-ease (disturbance) within the body, requiring us to pull on a greater grace to bring us to the landing place of God’s peace.

Looking at the mind and body separate; we know that they speak two different languages. The language of the mind is our condition and the language of our body is emotions. We begin to see a shaft of light come into the dark places of our soul, bringing wisdom, so that we realize; WE UNDERSTAND, that the body does not speak the language of the mind and vice-versa. At least this brings solace of some sort, still giving us hope to know that there is SOMETHING that brings a connection to the two.

Here in the state of finding a new landing space, peace brings that connection. It is God’s perfect peace that rules our heart, and His all surpassing peace, which surpasses our understanding. (Philippians 4:7; Colossians 3:15)

7 And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 AMPC

15 And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]. Colossians 3:15 AMPC

Transcend in Philippians 4:7 is the Greek word hyperéchō pronounced hoop-er-ekh'-o meaning, “to hold oneself above, to excel, superior, better, excellency, higher, pass and supreme.” This comes from two Greek words hyper pronounced hoop-er' meaning, “over and above,” and échō pronounced ekh'-o meaning, “to hold, keep, recover, rest, etc.” Therefore, transcend is a HYPER-ECHO, a sound that you are holding onto in your heart and mind that brings you rest, letting you know that you will be held together by that which is more excellent, He Who is higher! Transcend is meditating on the Truth of the Word, and the peace of God meeting you in that meditation to bring you to a HIGHER PLACE, to WISDOM!

The peace of God connects the mind and body. It brings a calm to the emotions that can easily give us over to the stress response, bringing a quietness to the sound of our mind, where we find ourselves being mindful of the moment. Our eyes opened to grace. We comprehend that we are blessed with those whom we love. We find ourselves no longer tossed easily by circumstances that would try and build another reality (frame) around our self-image. We resist, discovering that there is something greater in this place of mindfulness, by having the Mind of Christ, where we TRANSCEND. We go beyond what society would try to define as our normal, reaching beyond the natural and being led by the Spirit.

Those that are led by the Spirit are the sons and daughters of God. They are given over to the Mind of Christ Jesus, which is always consistent, because He is the TRUE CARPENTER. He brings His carpenter square, a measurement to build us up in the Word and the most holy faith, as we yield ourselves to His workmanship!

For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live]. Ephesians 2:10 AMPC

The word carpenter originated from the Latin word carpentarius which means “carriage maker.”  Carriage came from the Old French word cariage, which means TO CARRY! Carry means TO SUPPORT AND MOVE FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER. Do you see this? The workmanship of Christ in this place of uncertainty in our life is that HE WILL CARRY US; He is our carriage, and we are the handiwork of being carried into HIS NORMAL; God does not change. Our seasons might change like the four seasons in the natural, but GOD DOES NOT CHANGE.

The enemy brings chaos against your mind, to bring you a new normal in relation to the issues of fear and trauma in your soul, which keeps one tied to a false reality, such as a socialist experiment that he wants us to believe is real. This you have to resist; you have to allow your heart and mind to TRANSCEND that which you have always known as normal, to receive the RIGHT-ANGLE, RIGHT-MESSAGE. If you change angle to angel, then instead of a corner you have a messenger! As you are kept in the framework of Christ, He makes us ready for every circumstance and every season! You receive the MESSENGER OF COVENANT, bringing His message, the RIGHT-MESSAGE!


Be still in the fullness and contentment of God’s joy, to where the place which you realize that you have lived in and want to leave has TURNED INTO PALACE! This happened to me recently! Do you see this? I have been wanting to move for a year now into another location five blocks away, and the door never opened. This was partly due to having new tenants in our apartment building that believed this was a frat house.

Consistently I have told the Lord that I am so grateful for this place but that I would be most appreciative if He could move me. I was looking for normal. The new tenants in the building tried to bring a “new norm” of partying to this location, which I have lived in for over three years. To say the least, I did not like it. However, something supernaturally occurred. I shifted in my heart and mind the other night, to a place of CONTENTMENT! I TRANSCENDED INTO A NEW NORM, by the CARPENTER! HE CARRIED ME THERE!

8 For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].

9 Practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it, and the God of peace (of untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you.

10 I was made very happy in the Lord that now you have revived your interest in my welfare after so long a time; you were indeed thinking of me, but you had no opportunity to show it.

11 Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be CONTENT (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am. Philippians 4:8-11 AMPC

In the mindfulness of God’s thoughts, I shifted from a place TO A PALACE!!!! JUST WOW!!! Do you see this? All it takes to change your place into a palace is an A! Alpha! The Beginning, Jesus Christ, the Carpenter, Who brings a contentment to your present circumstance to lift you up to a NEW NORM!

Content here in Philippians 4:11 is the Greek word autárkēs pronounced ow-tar'-kace meaning, “contented and content.” This comes from two Greek words, autos pronounced ow-tos' meaning “self,” and arkéō pronounced ar-keh'-o meaning, “BE CONTENT, BE ENOUGH, and BE SUFFICIENT.” Thus, the two words mean that WE ARE CONTENT WITH SELF! That is peace! That is transcendence!

In this hour as we transcend, realize the self-image is moving to a higher place, where your spiritual stability is established in Christ!


God Bless!

Robin Kirby-Gatto







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