Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Dust off the mirrors

I have a small dining room table in my bedroom, where I put all my beautifying stuff, such as makeup, jewelry, and hats. An antique mirror hangs on the wall above it. On the table sits a traveling makeup mirror with the magnified side facing me, to put on my mascara, eyeliner, and eyebrow color. Next to the traveling mirror on the right, is a regular table mirror given to me by my mother, framed by silver flowers, which I use in blow drying my hair and doing skincare applications.

It had been a while since I dusted and thought the area and mirrors could use it. Dust isn’t something I think of consciously, rather it's in the back of my mind. Dust is the negative thoughts of the enemy’s attack on the soul, deep within the subconscious. Like water that drips on a cold night, to keep the pipes from freezing, one particle at a time, gathers on the reflective glass into which we look.

Unlike the early morning responsibility in freezing weather to turn dripping water off in the bathroom and kitchen, one doesn’t rise and think, “I need to dust the mirrors.” Oh sure, there are those few unique personalities that might have a desire to dust, so they might make the time to put a dusting rag to it. However, I would guess that the norm usually is to put it on a list to do another day, which usually turns out to be three times or so a year.

Well, it was that day for me, because God spoke to my heart and said, “dust the mirrors.” I went over to the metal rolling bin by our bathroom door, stacked with small hand towels and bath cloths and used the old white rag I normally use to dust. As I sat in the flowered vintage chair in front of the table, I picked up the travel mirror and dusted the front and back of it. I noticed immediately on the magnified side, how clearer my reflection was. Next, I picked up the mirror that my mother gave me, realizing that it had a lot of dust collected over the glass.

The Lord began to give me a revelation, as He showed me that the same thing happens to our self-image when the enemy attacks our hearts and minds. Without realizing it, the subconscious flings up negative narratives of the wounded parts of the soul, which still need wholeness, and like the little dust particles bit by bit that gather on a mirror, before we know it, there’s no clear image of who we are. We get busy in life, living out our Christianity, without being mindful of these little attacks, which in the book of Solomon are the little foxes that spoil the vine.

15 “[My heart was touched and I fervently sang to him my desire] Take for us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards [of our love], for our vineyards are in blossom. 16 [She said distinctly] My beloved is mine and I am his! He pastures his flocks among the lilies.” Song of Solomon 2:15-16 AMPC

The Hebrew word for foxes is shûwʻâl pronounced shoo-awl' and means, “a jackal as a burrower, and a fox.” (SC Hebrew word # 7776) The ancient Hebrew symbols of the Aleph Bet letters that compose fox reveal the deeper meaning of the Shulamite’s issue with which she wrestles. The Hebrew letters are Sheen, Vav, Ayin, and Lamed. The ancient symbol for Sheen is teeth which looks like a “W,” and means to consume in the positive and to devour in the negative. Vav is the ancient symbol of a tent peg/nail and means to add and secure. Ayin is the ancient symbol of an eye and means to see, hear and experience. Finally, Lamed is the ancient symbol of a cattle goad, which looks like a shepherd’s staff with a prick in the curvature and means, tongue, control, and authority. Therefore, these Hebrew letters combine to form the word picture BEING DEVOURED BY THE TONGUE THAT HAS BEEN ADDED TO YOU, WHICH YOU NOW EXPERIENCE.

The little foxes are the negative thoughts of the enemy, burrowed in the small, as dust particles over the self-image. The Word of God is the dust cloth to remove it.

Jesus came to bring us life and life more abundantly, whereas the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. Therefore, in our process of working out our salvation in fear and in trembling, we are being pruned of the negative thoughts, which we take captive, realizing it’s the dust particles over our self-image, causing us to think poorly of ourselves. Moreover, from a microscopic view, these particles are the logs in the eye, causing us to perceive others through the narrative of the enemy, the accuser.

We can only love others, as we love ourselves. (Matthew 22:39)

As much as turning off the dripping water on a freezing morning, how much more do we need to dust the particles of the enemy’s lies from our soul, so we can behold ourselves through God’s Word, as we’re being transformed into the image of His beauty, as by the Spirit of the Lord.

“And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMPC

The Word of God is the mirror to which we look daily, waiting for the appearance of our reflection. As we dust the false narrative of the enemy’s lies off our souls, we see the Word clearly; it’s unveiled! We’re able to behold the beauty of whom God created us to be, seeing the transformation take place in our lives.

Saints, it’s time to dust the mirrors.

God bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Whatever has your attention, controls your intention.

Saints of God, keep your mind on things above and not on things of this earth. The things of this earth will vie for your attention. Vie means "to compete eagerly to achieve something." This comes from the Latin word invitare meaning "to challenge." This Latin word is also where the English word "invite" comes from.

When we give our attention to the things of this world and negative reports, we invite it into our members. Jesus says that we are to be careful and give heed to what we listen to because it will be added unto us. (Mark 4:24-26)

The things of this world are competing for your attention to challenge the Word of God. It brings fear and causes double-mindedness. Wherever we put our attention, controls our intentions. God has me extensively write on this in the new book, The Forbidden Fruit the Spiritual Disease. The whole purpose of satan coming after mankind in the Garden of Eden was to control mankind's intention; there is power in intention.

In Lou De Broglie's "Wave-Particle Duality Theory" there is evidence of our thoughts and emotions, bringing that which we are looking for, into existence. I went into detail about this in my books Rev 22:2 and Mindfulness the Mind of Christ.

Saints, the power God gave to our intention, is beyond our ability to comprehend. This is faith. Faith is able to call things that are not, as though they are. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things unseen, that will come into being. Jesus said, be it unto you according to your faith. That is the power of intention! Guard your heart and mind. God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

Hebrews 11:1-3; Philippians 4:8; Mark 4:24; Romans 4:17; Mark 9:29

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto


Saints, the shoes of God's peace are so powerful, delivering you from the adversary, as God's peace rules your heart and surpasses your understanding, to tread over serpents and scorpions, where they by no means shall harm you, as God's abiding peace crushes satan under your feet!

Sometimes, you just have to get your stomp on! When the devil comes at me with lies, that would limit who I am in Christ and try and make me someone I am not, I just get my stomp on! I get my chaos slaying, to the one who has no good saying, lying lips, and nasty mischievous smile trying to work his iniquity against me through a lying spirit that wants me to buy his message, and I say NO satan, NOT TODAY, NOT EVER! AND I JUST IMAGINE HIS HEAD UNDER MY BEAUTIFUL SHINY SILVER BOOTS, AND STOMP ON IT!

There are times you need to go through catharsis, which is a purging, a cleansing, where all things are made clear by truth, and stomp your foot on the ground, to realize no devil has a hold on you! No devil is going to speak to you through lying lips, selling you a bill of divination, because you like Paul know that assignment that pretends to be God but is not, and you kick that thing to the curb as he did in Acts 16! When that thing had spoken a message around him long enough as he was doing the work of the Lord, and the HOLY SPIRIT showed Paul what was speaking, he cast it out! He got his stomp on, so that thing couldn't speak to him anymore!

You cannot worry about what others think about you, because they don't understand your battle, your story, your life, or your call. They don't know the warfare you are under. They don't know how far you have pushed through just to get to today!

You just have to step on the Highway of Holiness and let God take you Mach 1 into the call! Saints, someone reading this needs to get violent to seize the Kingdom of Heaven by force, and get your stomp on! God bless! A violent daughter who seizes heaven by force, because I KNOW HIS NAME, and guess what I KNOW MY NAME TOO!

Robin Kirby Gatto

And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) be with you. ROMANS 16:20 AMPC

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

The hidden variable

The Hidden Variable


On July 22 of this year, Rich and I had to get replacement windows. The ones we had prior were rotting to the core, from where the window AC unit had dripped into the wood over the last several decades. The windows were original to the building of the apartment, which was 1928.

The week leading up to the installation, I picked up things here and there in the dining area by the window, which would need to be removed prior to construction. On the morning of the window replacement, Rich and I moved everything else that remained, which would require two people to move. We met the workers at 8 am, and then went on our way to Edgar’s Bakery for a carb-up day, where we got behind a car with a personalized tag EATLIFE. I was delighted; this was confirmation of all I had written thus far in the new book, The Forbidden Fruit, the Spiritual Disease, which is about the Life Jesus carried while in the body.

When we got home, I decided that I was going to have a delightful attitude in putting the furniture and items back into the dining room. Many times, tasks like this can be overwhelming and cause one to see work of this type, as a chore. Rich cleaned the dust boards, as I began dusting an antique Spanish wine rack, that we’re using for olive oils. When I shoved my hand into the third wine slot to dust, I experienced what felt like a nail jabbing into my right thumb.

I pulled my hand out quickly and saw the blood coming from around my nail and finger and realized a considerable chunk of wood had been loose on the vintage piece. Part of the wood broke off from a larger piece, and the rest was in my thumb. Rich and I both went into the kitchen, to wash off the blood. It was apparent that the wood was deep within my thumb, barely visible through my skin, going at an angle from the nail down towards the padding of my thumb.

I was frustrated with myself wishing I’d not dusted, then trying to not let the issue distract me, would go clean a little and then come back into the kitchen to try to see if I might be able to remove the splinter. To no avail, I went to a doctor a few days later and saw the nurse practitioner. The nurse practitioner gave me antibiotics to ensure that no infection would set in and said let’s wait and see what it does in about a week.

The splinter didn’t work its way out and so I went to see a hand surgeon and discussed the possibility of them removing it. They didn’t have a sonogram machine available to see if there was anything there, and the billing manager was out, so I wouldn’t have any idea as to what costs I would be looking at, if I got the surgery done Monday morning August 15th. The best that I could do was come Monday morning, do the sonogram, and hope that the cost of the surgery wouldn’t put me out of pocket too much. Mind you I was getting more frustrated with myself for getting the splinter in the first place, although I wasn’t at fault. I just didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars to get the splinter removed.

However, after two more weeks, I realized the splinter wouldn’t come out and something had to be done, so I scheduled surgery a second time.

On Monday, August 29th, the day of surgery, a sonogram was done, and it only looked like a fleck of a little splinter. However, once the surgeon began to cut into my thumb, he found a huge piece of wood. Both the surgeon and surgical staff were amazed at the largeness of what was believed to be a fleck. Afterward, my hand was bandaged, and I was sent on my way.

God then spoke to me about the hidden variable that wrestles within our soul, where the enemy causes us to be double-minded, we believe that we are, our mistake.

The message that the choices and mistakes we made are who we are, is the result of the spiritual disease of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, still at work among our members. When we yield to the voice of the stranger, we don’t hear what God is saying, which is that we’re a new creation. We’re a son and daughter of God! We’re favored and highly blessed.

Instead, when the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in our members speaks, it says that we are our sin via our mistakes, the heavy breath of condemnation. This is the spiritual disease of mankind that Jesus came to redeem us from. In Christ Jesus, we are a new creation. We are a royal priesthood and a holy generation.

God began to speak to me about the thorn that Paul wrestled with in 2 Corinthians 12.

 7 “And to keep me from being puffed up and too much elated by the exceeding greatness (preeminence) of these revelations, there was given me a thorn (a splinter) in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, to rack and buffet and harass me, to keep me from being excessively exalted.

8 Three times I called upon the Lord and besought [Him] about this and begged that it might depart from me;

9 But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!” 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 AMPC

The thorn here that Paul wrestled with, represents the message of the enemy sent against him through the carnal nature. The enemy cannot touch our spirit man, he can only touch the flesh; our spirit is born from above. From the beginning in the Garden of Eden, satan perverted the intentions of mankind through the knowledge of good and evil.

Paul’s thorn was allowed to keep him humble. It caused him to seek God at the place of knowing his own intentions, in which he needed freedom.

Likewise, God showed me deeper still, that there are hidden variables in which the enemy attacks our soul. We’re clueless about these hidden places because of the depth to which the wound or issue is buried, like the splinter in my thumb. God revealed to me the grace that He pours out to bring us the sufficiency of Christ Jesus, the Word, to show us MERCY!

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

Just as the surgeon had to dig deep into my thumb, which I couldn’t reach, the Word of Truth is the scalpel of the Great Physician, which reaches deep within the soul to go to our intents and motives.

In our heart surgeries, we’re shown places in which we need God’s mercy, in order to know that we have a Savior, Who came to the human suit, pitched His tent up, and sympathized with our struggle. He overcame the power of this world, and all that the enemy would throw at Him.

Everything is revealed to Jesus, nothing is hidden. He can bring truth into the deepest places of your heart where the splinter of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil lodges. That splinter interprets who we are, others, and our world. Thanks be to God that Jesus wakes us up from the hypnosis.

But by the grace of God go I.

Because of the splinter and its removal, I can see the splendor of my King, Jesus Christ, a Savior so real and sure, that He calls me His own, and I’m not my mistake, I am His! That is the beauty of grace and mercy. You are accepted in the Beloved!

12 “For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.

13 And not a creature exists that is concealed from His sight, but all things are open and exposed, naked and defenseless to the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do.

14 Inasmuch then as we have a great High Priest Who has [already] ascended and passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession [of faith in Him].

15 For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning.

16 Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].” Hebrews 4:12-16 AMPC


Robin Kirby-Gatto 








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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

The gray brick road



The word “if,” principally spreads throughout the heart and mind in times of inadequacy, with scolding whispers, “if only I would’ve done this,” or “if only I wouldn’t have said that.”

The “if only” is worse; it pulls the soul onto a gray brick road, the pathway of despair and condemnation, stumbling along, feeling misdirected.

You’ve not encountered the gray brick road you might say, well tuck this short blog into your notebook, and pull it out once you find its entrance.

During those times of “if” or “if only,” God is working behind the scenes, doing more than you can possibly think, recalibrating your soul, to know Him in a deeper way.

Surely the disciples had to experience this dilemma, as all souls do, which is why Jesus prepared them for every “if” or “if only” that would come.

“But take notice, the hour is coming, and it has arrived, when you will all be dispersed and scattered, every man to his own home, leaving Me alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]” John 16:32-33 AMPC

Jesus addressed the time in which the disciples would enter the gray brick road in the Gospel of John. Scattered and dispersed from Him, the whispers had to crowd Peter, James, and John, as Niagara Falls “if only you would not have said that Peter,” “If only you would have only done that James,” or “if only you would have stayed John.”

Jesus defeated the gray brick road in this world and brings us out of its winding path, closing the door to the entrance, as we’re liberated in the freedom of His peace. The gray brick road brings with it tribulation, distress, and frustration, all leading to fear. The peace that Jesus left for His disciples would pull them off the distressful path, giving them contentment, that there’s another Way.

That Way is Jesus, the life He gives so freely to all who will receive. That is the peace He distributed to all who would yield to His call, to enter the peace of the Lord, knowing this world has no power over them.

Saints, there are so many distractions in this world, which suffocate all life within our beings of Christ Jesus, which is His peace. When you find yourself frustrated, distressed, or discouraged, know that you’re on the gray brick road of “IF ONLY,” and God will bring you out in such peace of His Son because He has already defeated the world’s power, the gray brick road!

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

You did your best!

I have to share this! Rich and I enjoy drinking our afternoon coffee with watching America's Got Talent or Britain's Got Talent. The other day we saw the most beautiful thing. These children who were slow mentally, and severely challenged, did a dance that was far from perfect, but they did their BEST!

Their joy and enthusiasm spilled over into their performance that captivated the entire audience.

Then one of the judges gave them THE GOLD BUZZER!!!!!!!

I was completely undone! All I could hear God say to me, was Robin so many times you and Rich have been like those kids, and haven't been perfect, but did your very best, and all I delighted to do, was give you the desires of your heart!

I WAS WRECKED I TELL YOU!!!!! I saw myself as those mentally and emotionally challenged kids who were in special classes, and in this life I was merely doing my best, and how God was delighted in the fact that in my pressing in toward Christ Jesus, how His mercy saw me as beautiful in His eyes!

Saints, some of you feel the same! You know you’re not perfect, but you're doing your best!




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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto


Saints of God,

With all that's going on in this present age, the enemy is distracting many to feel as though they're in this pressurized cooker mentally and emotionally, giving rise to anxiety. Resist this attempt of the enemy's snare, to be caught up in the things of life that happen, which would distract you from the race of faith!

Keep your eyes on Christ Jesus, and JUST BREATHE!

When we see the word selah in scripture, especially in the Psalms, it means to reflect on something by taking a pause in life. David knew this well, and had many opportunities before He was king to do this very thing.

The trials, which were meant to mature him in spirit, put him in a place where he had no other choice but to PAUSE!

God gave me an acronym for PAUSE, the Power Attained Underpinned by Salvation from Eternity.

We try and address our problems through our soul that is pressurized and don't realize, we are clueless to the Kingdom of Heaven around us. Thus, many times we're allowed to be in circumstances that force us to PAUSE. It's then we discover the Power of God, which we then attain, knowing that it is underpinned through our salvation, bringing us eternity, the Kingdom of Heaven!

Don't be stressed or overwhelmed at your present circumstances. Simply look at it as opportunity to PAUSE, and realize the greatness of God in your life!

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

God is bigger than a number!

Saints of God, it cannot be emphasized that you have to shut your senses down to the things of this present age, which would bring discouragement. I will be doing a video this morning on Walking With Wisdom, and will share the Father's heart on this issue. So many are looking at the increase of prices, and the Lord would say to you, YOUR GOD IS BIGGER THAN A NUMBER!!!


Numbers can bring fear if we let them, but that's not our portion. Our portion is to look up to heaven, from where our help comes from, and know that GOD IS ABLE!

I remember 4 years ago, when the window broke in our vehicle, and as a full-minister who has lived on faith since the beginning of 2011, I can tell you things like this would shake me from time to time. God then told me 4 years ago when our window broke, ROBIN I AM BIGGER THAN A NUMBER! The cost of fixing that window IS JUST A NUMBER! I have seen my God, supply for us all throughout being a full-time minister and being faithful to do what He has called me to in this lifetime. I simply obey, and He takes care of the rest.

Saints, we're of a different place, this world is not our home; we're in it but not of it. Our supply comes from God alone, not a person! As God shakes the heavens and earth, He will bring the gold out of the treasures of this present age, into the hands of His people! We will be protected, we will prosper! Be hopeful and expectant, God has a plan that is Ephesians 3:20!

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

6 For thus says the Lord of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake and make tremble the [starry] heavens, the earth, the sea, and the dry land; 7 And I will shake all nations and the desire and the precious things of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with splendor, says the Lord of hosts. 8 The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine, says the Lord of hosts. 9 The latter glory of this house [with its successor, to which Jesus came] shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts; and in this place will I give peace and prosperity, says the Lord of hosts. Haggai 2:6-9 AMPC

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Come as you are!

I have to share this; it is hilarious and definitely makes a point. So, I get texts sent to my phone for when a package is dropped off, just in case it's on the steps by the mailboxes. I have to run a couple of flights down and make sure it's there on the steps, if the package isn't at my door.

Well I get pinged from UPS that my package is here. I run down and no package. I go to the street and see the UPS truck across the street at a high rise apartment, and am running barefoot downtown across the roads. I shout to the UPS driver running to the door of the other apartments across the street. She then said that she left my delivery by the office door. I told her she's not to leave it there and then cross the busy downtown street barefooted, dancing on the asphalt with the rocks in the road, and to the office of my complex and no package with my name on it.

So I run back across the street barefoot standing in the middle of the road raising my hand up for the UPS driver to stop and tell her my package isn't there. She then goes on to dismiss it but pulls into the median. I run barefoot down the road of downtown Birmingham to her truck and low and behold there is my delivery still on her truck. She tried to say that another UPS driver was there and had my package and I told her that I was certain she had it. OH MY! So I finally get my package after I've run up and down the street and run back and forth two times across the street! Sometimes, people want to look pretty for their deliverance! Woo hooo now that will preach!

Sometimes you have to come as you are to God, desperate for Him, to get your deliverance! I came as I was, when He delivered me years ago! We are so busy worrying about what people might think about us in getting our deliverance. NOT ME!!!!!!!!! I ran across the street all around three apartment complexes, not worried that people were thinking, "who is this woman running across the street barefoot, shouting and in the middle of the road stopping traffic!" LOL ROFL DO YOU HEAR THIS?????? I wanted my delivery!!!! I didn't care how I looked in getting it!

God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Burn the shirt!

Saints of God, know that God is bringing the strength of His Name to your person, through the power of His Word, as you know the holiness of God, being washed by the Word of Truth, tasting the goodness of God in the Land of the Living, as you know that HE IS FOR YOU! Someone needs to hear this today! Do you ever have one of those "IT'S MY FAULT" days? You know where the enemy tries to tell you that everyone's dilemma in your life, is because you did or didn't do .....______________

Do you feel like you own the T-shirt “It’s My Fault!”

That is the trap of the accuser of the brethren that wants you to see things through the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and feel bad that everyone else in your life is having a hard time, and it would all be resolved if you didn't do or would have done ......

Listen, God wants to expose this false narrative in your life. Whenever you have "It's my fault" creep up on your members (heart and mind), cast that thought down! Know that it's the poor self-image speaking, and that you need healing and freedom! All behavior is learned. Thus, you have to unlearn this narrative of "It's my fault," and turn to the Word of God that says "I can do all things through Christ Jesus!" (Philippians 4:13)

Be at peace and cast this false narrative down that limits your destiny! Thank God for all that you have in your life, that which seems good and even the things that seem not so good. COUNT EVERYTHING AS A BLESSING! Even to the hungry soul the bitter tastes sweet! (Proverbs 27:7


God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Adjustable, level up!



As Rich and I were at the gym Wednesday morning, finishing our chest and arm workout, I couldn’t help but see the wording on the machine, “Adjustable Cable.” It was then that God spoke to my heart, that His “Just are Able,” and that He would “Add” unto them.

“For in the Gospel a righteousness which God ascribes is revealed, both springing from faith and leading to faith [disclosed through the way of faith that arouses to more faith]. As it is written, The man who through faith is just and upright shall live and shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17 AMPC

The Greek word for just is díkaios pronounced dik'-ah-yos meaning, “equitable (in character or act); innocent, holy, just, and righteous.” (Strong’s Concordance Greek word # 1342) The just, are those who are righteous through Christ Jesus. The just, are the ones, to whom God is able to add His promises.

This past weekend felt like the weekend from hell. Many assaults came upon my person, mentally and emotionally, driving me to a place where I felt inept in everything, and as though I wanted to stop living life. I knew it was the enemy roaring against my mind, and I pressed through, leaning on the Word of Truth to resist satan.

God then told me that His people had to ADJUST, and that it was the present warfare stirring God’s people to wake up to the Father’s plan, His hope. Thus, a release of great distraction and discouragement was allowed, to cause us to MOVE to a place we wouldn’t have otherwise.

Adjust comes from two Latin words, which mean NEAR TO. God showed me that as our soul was so reticent in present circumstances, where we’ve not known God’s call, that we needed to be moved near to the Kingdom of Heaven, knowing WHO WE ARE!

It has taken the trials and tribulation to push us into the place of God’s promise, so that we know the place in which we’re to move. The emphasis has been on moving to the next level. I heard God say that it is a time to “level up.”

Level up means to go higher in position than we already are. We’ve tolerated what we have believed were worth, in the present circumstances surrounding us. At this present time, it is intolerable, in how you allow others to treat you, or what you’ll put up with. As a result, the assaults have been allowed so that we know our worth, and where we’re to no longer be quiet and stand our ground, on what we believe is to be the environment we want to dwell in.

I myself, came to this impasse this past weekend, as I realized that “the last straw had broken the camel’s back,” and what I tolerated in years past, was intolerable for my person, since I know my worth and love myself, seeing my value through God’s eyes.

Saints, this is where we are. The attacks have occurred to get you to ADJUST yourselves where you presently are. Reevaluating where God is now moving you in this time, as you know He is Able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above what we can think or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)

Don’t beat yourself up, if you’ve had a come apart (meltdown), merely know that things are happening to get you to know your worth through Christ. In knowing your worth, you will know where He is moving you and LEVEL UP to that promotion!


God bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto


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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Soul gas

Excerpt from: The Forbidden Fruit the Spiritual Disease

By: Robin Kirby-Gatto


Soul Gas – Soulish Dreams

One of the things the subconscious does, while sleeping, is release little evidences of the ego’s issues, like passing gas. This might sound too graphic for some. However, it is the best analogy in revealing the area in which pride sits in the self-image, holding onto rotten fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

As Lucifer was lifted in pride in the heavenlies, bringing the knowledge of evil to other angelic host, he couldn’t perceive his own rottenness, the stench of the knowledge of evil. He thought he had the answer to the ills of others he believed, were in the same predicament. This predicament was the exalted ego, that caused Lucifer to think of himself, more highly than he should.

Likewise, the soul’s ego is exalted in the subconscious mind, in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, making us good many times, while it makes others bad. This need to make others bad, is the soul’s reprieve from the false narrative of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, like a morphine drip. It’s the addiction of the soul’s grand illusion of purgatory, where it’s caught between heaven and hell. This happens to the fractured areas of our soul, and only from the Knowledge of Christ, can we be set free.

Dreams are the best escape for the soul’s stench, to placate the false narrative, where it escapes into words and images, representing the projection of the soul’s ego. For example, I’ve had many send me dreams that they’ve had about me, where they’re either the hero sent to help me, or the recipient of some bad act I’ve committed. These dreams are merely the soul’s gas, like farting.

In the natural, the gas that’s trapped in a person’s body is released from their bum (a nicer way of saying behind), many times with noise, but even as much in the SBD (silent but deadly) release. This is how it is with the ego in a dream. There’s a rotten stench within the members of the subconscious, and instead of just coming out and dealing with the issue within one’s self-image, it’s easier for the ego to project the soul’s problem onto another, where we then point the finger and make them out to be bad, when in fact it’s the issue of our own soul, which is why we had the dream. We cannot handle the truth. As a result, the soul makes us aware of the issues of rotten fruit, via a dream, otherwise known as Soul Gas.

When we find ourselves dreaming about another person doing something that’s offensive or not lovely, it’s the log in the eye that’s operative of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which thereby causes us to project our badness onto someone else, and maybe someone we look up to. The reason for this, is we subconsciously believe if that person has the issue, then we’re not as bad as we thought.

Therefore, it’s imperative to be mindful of the dreams that the soul has, where it plays the hero. Many times, those hero dreams are the ego within, causing it to be numb and clueless to the trapped gas of rotten fruit.

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

When you’re carrying change it can be heavy!

Saints, the Lord wants me to encourage you that at the present time, CHANGE IS HAPPENING! Yesterday, God showed me that when I carried the quarters in my fanny pack to do the laundry at the laundromat, that it made it weigh more; it was heavier. When I then took the quarters out and placed them on the table, I heard God say, "Robin things seem heavy when you are carrying change."

He began to share with me that He will not put on us more than we can bear, but at the same time that some of the trials you're enduring might seem heavy or too difficult and He says they have to be, for change to come! You are carrying change!

Mary, the Mother of Jesus carried the biggest change in this world, and she endured trials. David and Joseph carried change and weren't appreciated and mistreated. Esther carried change, and went through much transition.


He showed me that there is a change happening within His people, removing that which the enemy has brought against them through the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and that God is exposing it in this hour in what you're enduring because CHANGE HAS TO COME!

We live in a building that is nearly 100 years old and last Thursday a storm came to mess up the hot water heater, where it flooded the basement and hopefully it will be today that they put the new 100 gallon water heater in, so we can take hot showers and wash our dishes.

With that said, I talked with the manager of the property yesterday and she said that the water heater was so old and the new one would be hotter, giving us better water all the way round. We've taken showers with only hot water on, and no cold water and still it hasn't been hot enough in the past 5 years that we've been here. This is what I realized, that we got used to a level of hot water that wasn't incredible, just sufficient, in the past 5 years.

Since the water has been out, we've been going to the gym to get showers, which has thrown off my schedule. Some of you feel the present trial has thrown off your schedule and things are inconvenient, but it's for a purpose!

God showed me that He wanted to bring the best, and to bring the best and the new, it came through a STORM, and looked bad, but it is necessary in order to bring in His best!

Likewise, we have been pruned even more all this year, to yield MORE EXCELLENT FRUIT, ABUNDANT FRUIT!



Robin Kirby Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

The gift of goodbye!

Saints of God, the Father woke me up at 11:45, speaking to me about something, had me praying and then confirmed it in a dream. He wanted me to encourage some of you that as we end this year and move into the next that there is a transition some of you need to make, in letting go of others, the Gift of Goodbye, in order to not allow the distractions of the enemy to detour you in the Call of God for your life.

God spoke to me about certain people and reminded me of what I knew well in 2007, when many were contacting me by phone or message to let me know what a bad person I was. In that time, I truly felt I was in the darkest pit, and only by the Grace of God, did the power of Holy Spirit lift me out of it, and tell those who were messaging me that next time they began to say negative things about me, putting me down they would hear a click on the other side of the line. The anointing came upon me to destroy the yoke of other's opinions.

God then spoke to me last night and He showed me the torment and vexation of soul I experienced around those who were not for me, and spoke evil of me. He told me "Robin you will never measure up in their eyes, you will never be good enough, because their soul is lacking. They hate themselves." God then showed me how unknowingly I had looked to impress these people, and desired their approval.

God then told me that I was to say goodbye to these people in my life, in that they might be in my life but not a part of it. I would shake the dust off of my feet, of their thoughts, disillusions, and pride, and not allow it to cling to my person. God then said that they had made me the scapegoat of their soul, because of the subconscious narrative they were clueless to of self-hatred, where they tended to project that negative influence off onto me. God said that they had made me the scapegoat and that Jezebel was working in their midst controlling them, along with the spirit of Python (divination), which was bringing divisive words against me, amongst these people, and that it was Isaiah 59, where they had a spider's web of communication of the spirit of Leviathan, thinking they heard the Lord God, when in fact it was satan, the accuser, the slanderer.

God then said their feet are swift to shed innocent blood, and told me that He was setting me free of their opinions by giving me the gift of goodbye, where I shut the door, and NO LONGER DESIRE RELATIONSHIP with them. Their frequencies of self-hatred, making me the scapegoat, picking out faults, constantly thinking I'm not good enough, I'm not pretty enough, I'm a bad person, was trying to pull me into a pit of hell, where the tongue of satan operated in them against me. God said, NO MORE ABUSE!

He said they were emotionally, mentally and spiritually abusive and He wouldn't tolerate their mistreatment of me, and gave me a holy fervor to no longer desire relationship with them, but shake the dust from my feet. He said, that He had given them time to repent but they wouldn't. He then told me I wouldn't have to stay around and wait for their change, but to say goodbye and let God deal with them, vengeance is the Lord's. God told me to share this today because some of you reading this need that same Gift of Goodbye, to shut the door on relationships that aren't only unprosperous but are divisive and deleterious to your self-image; they're toxic to the core.

God said to tell you that they will never accept you, and you are already accepted in the Beloved, and that's the only place you need acceptance. He said to tell you in their eyes you'll never be good enough, and they will always find fault and to let you know that although these people might be in your life, they don't have to be a part of it! Saints, some of you will be set free when you say Goodbye and shut the door to caring whether or not people will ever accept you. Moreover, to not seek to impress anyone, much less those who have been of the torment of the pit of hell against your soul. You will know these, because you are in utter torment by their discourse and in their presence.

Know that God is revealing they're two-faced and are not for you, and have sinned by speaking evil of you, murdering you. He says BE AT PEACE AND MOVE ON! HE SAYS IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT YOU! ALL THAT MATTERS IS WHAT GOD THINKS! The dream God gave me last night was powerful, confirming this. I had such a peace and let these type of people go and no longer care for their presence in my life, I love them and pray for them and bless them, but don't have to be a part of them.

The dream God showed me was these people pretending to work in a doctor's office, and the nurses were warning me that these people were writing things on my medical chart that I didn't know, speaking evil about me. God then told me that their words were affecting me and I had to sever relationship with them, where although I might see them, I don't have to receive them. They're no longer a part of my life. Just as we are in the world and not of it, it is the same thing. Be expectant and hopeful that some of the issue with your body could be that you have those in your life who aren't for you and you've accepted them to be a part of your life. You need to shut the door and say goodbye!


Robin Kirby Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Enter a different time zone!

Saints, one of the most incredible things the Father has given us, is the strength and greatness of His Love! That Love abounds beyond the limitations of this earth, removing the chaos of time from your members, whereby you enter the place of eternity, where you are blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, as the eyes of your heart are opened, by the power of the Truth of the Word, Who is Jesus!

The Word of God came to earth, leaving His throne of glory and changed His form into that of Son of God and Son of Man! He came to His own, and although His own didn't recognize Him, to those who do recognize Him as revealed by the Holy Spirit, they are the true sons and daughters of God! They are born from above, and bear fruits of righteousness that glorify the Father!

Although we've not seen Him and still believe, how great is that faith!!!??? It is mountain moving faith, that is MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME! GLORY TO GOD! It moves mountains by the Standard of Truth from a time that is ETERNAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Join me today on Facebook Live at 12 PM CST, where I will do book coaching session 18 for Mindfulness the Mind of Christ, teaching on this amazing truth!

God Bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Burning the candle at both ends

Waking up on a cold Monday in November, I was half asleep, wondering why in the world do we have the heat and air conditioner on. We live in an old historic apartment built in 1928, with hardwood floors, plastered walls, beautiful big doors, and the most incredible porch on the avenue, in my opinion.

Our air condition comes from the window units in the apartment. We’ve never had both the heat and air condition on at the same time. However, Rich insisted that he was too hot, although the heat was set at 64 degrees for the night. He had me reach over to turn on the a/c. I realized that the heat unit happened to be on his side, blowing out hot air, whereas my side, by the window was frigid.

Counting the dollars that would be added to the electric bill, and the craziness of using both the heat and air condition, I tried to reason within my mind, how to address the need for us to come to a common ground, on most likely turning the heat even lower while we slept. The dollars added up in my head, to where we would end up spending an extra $700 - $800 for the winter if we didn’t do something.

When we were making the bed, I made mention to Rich that we had to do something, to which he listened. Outside of our room, in the den and dining room, it was more than chilly, to which point I shared that we should keep our bedroom door open in the night, allowing some of that heat in our bedroom to escape into the rest of the apartment. He agreed.

Then I realized how many times the little things we do, add up within the context of our destiny, causing us to work harder than necessary to get things accomplished. How many times do our bad attitudes or pride, which we are reluctant to let go of, hold us back from entering the place of godly connections that can take us to the next place.

Just like us opening the door to let the heat out of our bedroom into the rest of the apartment, what doors don’t we see that need to be open for the advancement of our call? Everyday people are hindered from moving forward into what they were created to do in this earth, because they cannot think of a door that is available to be opened unto them.

I know this well. Every time we’ve moved, there has been a transition in what I do in the work God has called me, whereby He takes me a direction I normally wouldn’t have gone. I listen for those God moments, where He is speaking to me, little nudges that come my way, which direct me down a path of His call for my life.

Two years ago, God nudged me to pursue a Health and Wellness Coaching certificate, which I never would’ve considered. When I looked up what a Health and Wellness Coach did, I said to myself, “I already do all of that.” However, I needed see the door that could be opened, if I would but let the energy of His call within me, out, so that I could do the work He has for me.

Just like the heat that needed to be let out of our bedroom, so we won’t waste money by turning on the air condition, I too had energy for the gifts God has given me, to fulfill my destiny which needed to go through another door. The beauty of pursuing the open door to Health and Wellness, is that it wraps all my degrees and expertise into that package. I have a master’s and bachelor’s in social work, a law degree, and have been a minister for over a decade. Pursuing all of this conserved my energy into laser focus for the next level of what God had for me.

What is God nudging you toward, so that you’re not wasting the talent He’s given you, burning the candle at both ends? It’s the same thing. Burning the candle at both ends, means overextending yourself. Wasting energy in your life with all the little things that add up. Look at areas in your life, be still and listen to God, so you can know the direction you’re take right now.

See the door that is available to be opened, and walk through it, conserving your energy to walk in the new direction He has planned.


God Bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto


5 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

6 In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Proverbs 3:3-4 AMPC


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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Go ahead and have a nervous breakdown, the real real

Saints, please her my heart (intentions), which is to bring freedom to those in need. I will share about this on today's Walking With Wisdom. This is a week for freedom to those who are in need.

For many years I stayed in a congregation where I was grossly attacked by the enemy, and had grace to endure until 2011. God gave me dreams, which I've shared in many books, before the persecution began. Rich even commented that he couldn't believe I had the dream, to which I repented to God, only to later find out that EVERY DETAIL happened as it was laid forth, revealing the enemy's attack of persecution. I won't get into all the details, just to say it was beyond normal, and was spiritual abuse. God sent me to that congregation for me to receive Holy Spirit and power in the midst of them, and to be a messenger of grace and warn them.

Their treatment and gossip about me was beyond measure, as they attempted to try and cast devils out of me while in conversation many times, intimidating me in Sunday School as they stood in front of me saying I had the Jezebel spirit, and surrounding me when i prayed as though they had to bind the devil in me, as well as being cold, rolling their eyes and the like. I endured this for nearly 8 years. Then it was unbearable that God had me leave.

Fortunately, I was blessed with a sister coming forward who was convicted by the Holy Spirit and she told me that she couldn't believe I stayed during all of that spiritual abuse, to which she confessed what the group did and repented for being in agreement with them; she knew it was bad fruit. Even after I left in 2011, this group continues to have people on my Facebook wall, whom I began to unfriend and block, so I could cut off all open pathways to them. They've been infuriated that they've told all who come into contact with me that I was a teacher at their church and a drunk the entire time up to 2011, while teaching there. With that said, it was another lie.

This is my point though, their fruit was demonic, of hell. They were the thorn and thistles of the enemy against my soul, the messenger of satan sent to buffet my flesh. Right before I left, I told Rich he could come by himself but I no longer would attend this congregation. My last day there I felt knives and spears coming all in me, and was falling down walking out of there and had to get help from Rich to get me to the car, leaning on him the entire time, coming out of that place.

In the last 3 weeks I've been hearing wolf, and this past weekend going to Virginia saw the tag BADWOLF. Last night God said, "Robin the wolf devours," as I read Jesus' parable about sending His sheep out among wolves. The wolf is a metaphor of someone who devours another with their words. They might not do it to your face, but they do it behind your back. Psalm 12:2

With that said, God allowed me to get to my breaking point again this week, where I felt as though I was going to have a nervous breakdown just as I've felt so many times among those who speak ill of me. I can feel their thoughts and words, invisible in the spiritual and quantum physics realm as frequencies, which I talk about in my book, Rev 22:2.

The enemy wants you to have a nervous breakdown and feel like your crazy. However, God wants you to know your breaking point, of when you decide enough is enough! I endured this in 2007-2008 as I was persecuted from every angle by the church and those outside of the church for different reasons. I was in the darkest hole, when God had me reading John 1:1-18, whispering the scripture with little strength for months. People calling me from all over who didn't know each other, telling me what a BAD PERSON I was, when instead it was the projection of their own self-image onto me.

Hear this; GOD IS FOR YOU, and any tongue within someone used of satan, you have the right to condemn, and when need be, confront! The enemy hates confrontation. He wants those who are devouring others with their words to stay in sin so they die and go to hell. The parable about the wolves is followed with the parable about fruit.

Saints, you will know a tree by its fruit! God told me last night, "Robin you've been in the midst of wolves." He then told me that my last straw of tolerating this bullying behavior, coldness, eye rolling, insults and the like was the last straw as it was years ago, where the devil was trying to make me go crazy and think that I was a bad person. However, things changed that one day in 2008, as the power of Holy Spirit came on me to set me free of other people's opinions.

Saints be on the wise and know that your confrontation might look like a breakdown, and people might talk about your behavior, but hear this, THAT IS ALRIGHT! JESUS HAD A BREAKDOWN IN JOHN 2 WITH THE WHIP IN THE TEMPLE, HE WAS DONE WITH IT!

I continue to pray for my enemies and am so glad, because that woman who repented to me before I left and confessed her sins with the group, died last year of cancer. She is a most precious soul and has many crowns in heaven, of that I'm certain. You never know when someone will take their last breath. Continue to bless and love your enemies, but it doesn't mean you have to tolerate their bullying and bad behavior. It means you have to shake the dust off of your feet and move on!

Last night I had a dream, where these wolves only wanted to order sweet food from bakeries. God showed me that they had teachers or ministers that would only feed them sweet things of this world, which allowed them to stay in sin. THEY WEREN'T CONVICTED BY HOLY SPIRIT! Pray for their salvation!

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

11 And into whatever town or village you go, inquire who in it is deserving, and stay there [at his house] until you leave [that vicinity].

12 As you go into the house, give your greetings and wish it well.

13 Then if indeed that house is deserving, let come upon it your peace [that is, [b]freedom from all the distresses that are experienced as the result of sin]. But if it is not deserving, let your peace return to you.

14 And whoever will not receive and accept and welcome you nor listen to your message, as you leave that house or town, shake the dust [of it] from your feet.

15 Truly I tell you, it shall be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah than for that town.

16 Behold, I am sending you out like sheep in the midst of wolves; be [c]wary and wise as serpents, and be innocent (harmless, guileless, and [d]without falsity) as doves.

17 Be on guard against men [whose [e]way or nature is to act in opposition to God]; for they will deliver you up to councils and flog you in their synagogues,

18 And you will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a witness to bear testimony before them and to the Gentiles (the nations).

19 But when they deliver you up, do not be anxious about how or what you are to speak; for what you are to say will be given you in that very hour and [f]moment,

20 For it is not you who are speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

21 Brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child; and children will take a stand against their parents and will have them put to death.

22 And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake, but he who perseveres and endures to the end will be saved [[g]from spiritual disease and death in the world to come].

23 When they persecute you in one town [that is, pursue you in a manner that would injure you and cause you to suffer because of your belief], flee to another town; for truly I tell you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before [h] the Son of Man comes.

24 A disciple is not above his teacher, nor is a servant or slave above his master.

25 It is sufficient for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant or slave like his master. If they have called the Master of the house Beelzebub [[i]master of the dwelling], how much more will they speak evil of those of His household.

26 So have no fear of them; for nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, or kept secret that will not become known.

27 What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered in the ear, proclaim upon the housetops.

28 And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be afraid of Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell (Gehenna). MATTHEW 10:11-28 AMPC

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Cast all doubts!

Saints, it is without a doubt that many of you are hurting, with your own struggle in life, which causes so many questions to arise within your heart and mind, leaving you overwhelmed at times of "would have, could have, should have."

Be certain that those type of thoughts are the enemy of the soul, to which you have to keep your face set like flint in the Word of Truth, OF WHO YOU ARE!

We are being sifted in greater measure of all within the soul, which wars against the Word of Truth, and needs to be pruned. God knows exactly what it takes to get us where He wants us, when He wants us there.

Cast all doubts against your soul, and the cares of this life, off of you, knowing for certain THAT GOD IS ABLE!

The Word of Truth cuts deeper when the pain is real! I remember Dr. Henry Cloud talking about a hound dog, laying on a front porch, on top of nail. He said, that the hound dog will move, when the nail becomes painful enough.

Sometimes, it takes pain to move us. Don't resist your trial at this present time, the pain in which you find yourself. It will become a trail into the next season of your life, where the JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH!

Be encouraged and steadfast, knowing that God is sufficient in ALL OF YOUR TRIALS, to bring you an expected outcome, HIS PROMISE!

The eyes of your heart are being opened, to see the glory of the Living God, as you know the Truth!

Lean on Him, not your own understanding, and His sure mercies will find you, crowning your head, bringing you a double portion of honor!

God Bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

Proverbs 3:3-6

Instead of your [former] shame you shall have a twofold recompense; instead of dishonor and reproach [your people] shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double [what they had forfeited]; everlasting joy shall be theirs. Isaiah 61:7 AMPC

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Looking at Others Grossly

Saints of God, it cannot be emphasized enough that WE are our own worst enemy. The devil would love nothing more than to have us think that "others" are our problem, when in fact we're projecting our own self-image onto them, looking at them grossly.

The LOG in our eye is "Looking at Others Grossly." This grossness is how we view ourselves. Gross means something that is unpleasant and repulsive, and comes from the Latin word grossus meaning LARGE. Whether we realize it or not, unconsciously we view others through our subconscious, which I have written about in "Mindfulness the Mind of Christ," in Chapter 4 The Language of Fruit. The acronym God gave me for fruit, is FEELINGS, READING, UNCONSCIOUS INTUITIVENESS AND THOUGHTS. Those are unpacked in Chapter 4, revealing the nature of the fruit we bear with the body and mind connection. Reading is the conceptual element of the language of fruit, where we READ OTHERS. Most times, we read others and interpret them through the guesstimation of our own self-image of what we believe about ourselves.

Unconsciously we are hypnotized within the self-image, where unclean memories are stored with the receptor of our body, predetermining our chemical signaling throughout the Body-Mind, setting the disposition of our behavior and perception.

Please saints, I know you believe you're not hypnotized about others and how you see them, but a stronghold is hypnosis, which I unpack in the new book. This is why God hates us talking about others; it puts the power of suggestion of thought into our mind, which in time enters the body.

This is why Jesus said, "Father forgive them, they know what they do." The Pharisees projected their own self-image onto Jesus, loathing their own sin unconsciously, deflecting it on the pure spotless lamb. They hated themselves and thereby hated Jesus.

Be on the wise, and seek God earnestly to have clean hands and a pure heart. This grace, saints, is the most precious gift of all, because there is peace within the heart and mind, causing you to abound in joy no matter what your circumstance. You have nothing within your members in which satan can put his hook and pull on your emotions.

God Bless,

Robin Kirby Gatto

1 The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness of it, the world and they who dwell in it. 2 For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the currents and the rivers. 3 Who shall go up into the mountain of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His Holy Place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted himself up to falsehood or to what is false, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 6 This is the generation [description] of those who seek Him [who inquire of and for Him and of necessity require Him], who seek Your face, [O God of] Jacob. Selah [pause, and think of that]! 7 Lift up your heads, O you gates; and be lifted up, you age-abiding doors, that the King of glory may come in. 8 Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O you gates; yes, lift them up, you age-abiding doors, that the King of glory may come in. 10 Who is [He then] this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah [pause, and think of that]! Psalm 24:1-10 AMPC

36 Teacher, which kind of commandment is great and important (the principal kind) in the Law? [Some commandments are light—which are heavy?] 37 And He replied to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (intellect). 38 This is the great (most important, principal) and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as [you do] yourself. 40 These two commandments sum up and upon them depend all the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 22:36-40 AMPC

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Robin Kirby-Gatto Robin Kirby-Gatto

Pain is a gift!

Saints of God, the Lord wants to encourage you! Many don't understand that in this life we will experience a full range of emotions. It's what we do with those emotions that is important. God works all things to our good. Every good gift comes from the Father of Lights! In 3 John 1:2, we see the unveiling of the soul.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers. 3 John 1:2 AMPC

Soul here in scripture, is the Greek word used for psyche and actually means spirit and breath, indicating that which cannot be seen, the soul. It also means SENTIENT. Now what is sentient, you might ask.

Sentient means that we will experience a variety of emotions involving pleasure/delight and pain. You got it! We weren't created to only live and experience delight, but also we have the gift of pain.

Now wait a minute you might question, PAIN IS A GIFT? Yes! Pain is a gift. Birthing children all starts with pain, LABOR PAINS. If it wasn't for the pain, you wouldn't know that it was time for the baby. The pain is a signal that something IS TO COME! A gift is in route to your heart and mind, revealing Who Christ Jesus, the Word of God, the Son of God, is! HE WAS, AND IS AND IS TO COME! DO YOU HEAR THIS? Pain in your life, is to move you to the next destination of God's blessing. However, it's all about the process. God is a processing God. Our soul gains progress through the process! So many think that we're not to experience pain, but that is a misconception. Pain is to move us to the next destination of our life, expecting that there will be a good end, an expected outcome.

If you're in a trial and experiencing pain in your soul and body, in your life, know that God is prospering your soul! I wrote about this scripture in great detail in my new book, Mindfulness the Mind of Christ. Prosper here actually means a WELL JOURNEY. The pain we experience in this earth, is to aid us on our journey through this life, whereby we know IT IS WELL WITH OUR SOUL! The more you give into the beauty of the gift of pain and keep your eyes on Christ Jesus, on Truth, on the Word of God, the greater the gift, the GREATER THE REWARD! It took the pain of persecution in the pit, the pain of false accusations at Potiphar's house, and the pain of isolation, to take Joseph to the POWER OF THE PALACE!


God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

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